Milestones for a pure phenomenology of religious faith

  • Sylvain Camilleri Catholic University of Louvain
Keywords: Religious faith, Perceptive faith, Urdoxa, Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Strasser, Landgrebe


This study sets out to tackle a question that phenomenology in general and the phenomenology of religion in particular have tended to avoid, namely the question of religious faith. All too often disqualified from the outset as a presupposition barring the way to the phenomenological exercise, religious faith is nonetheless no less worthy of description than any other phenomenon. This is what we set out to do here, in an attempt to avoid the trap of considering religious faith, explicitly or implicitly, through a metaphysical prism. The thesis we are defending is that religious faith must be understood as a modification or modalisation of what Husserl thematised as 'original belief' (Urglaube, Urdoxa) and which was taken up by Merleau-Ponty under the name of 'perceptive faith'.

Author Biography

Sylvain Camilleri, Catholic University of Louvain

SYLVAIN CAMILLERI is a professor at the Catholic University of Louvain. His research interests lie at the interface between phenomenology, hermeneutics and the philosophy of religion. He has published two monographs on Heidegger (Phaenomenologica 183 and 221) as well as various texts in collective works and scientific journals.


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How to Cite
Camilleri, S. 2024. Milestones for a pure phenomenology of religious faith. Disputatio. 13, 27 (Mar. 2024), 87-110. DOI:
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