Religion in philosophy and philosophy in religion

  • Jean Grondin University of Montreal
Keywords: Religion, Philosophy, Science, Reason


Presented at an interdisciplinary colloquium on the occasion of the integration of the Institut d’études religieuses into the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the Université de Montréal, this modest paper would like to recall in very broad strokes a few of the many bounds that have always linked philosophy to theology and religion. It first stresses the infinite, often largely forgotten and in many ways painful debt of philosophy towards religion, which celebrated before her the order and beauty of the world, and secondly the debt of religion and theology to philosophy when it wanted to express its message of salvation in the language of reason.

Author Biography

Jean Grondin, University of Montreal

JEAN GRONDIN has been a full professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Montreal since 1991, after having taught at Université Laval from 1982 to 1990 and at the University of Ottawa in 1990-91. The recipient of numerous awards and the Gold Medal of the SSHRC in 2018, Officer of the Order of Canada (2012) and of the Order of Quebec (2016), he is the author of some twenty books, translated into more than fifteen languages, including Le tournant dans la pensée de Martin Heidegger (PUF, 1987, 20112), Kant et le problème de la philosophie: L'a priori (Vrin, 1989), L'universalité de l'herméneutique (PUF, 1993), Introduction à Hans-Georg Gadamer (Cerf, 1999, 20072), Le tournant herméneutique de la phénoménologie (PUF, 2003), Introduction à la métaphysique (PUMontréal, 2004), L'herméneutique (PUF, 2006), La philosophie de la religion (PUF, 2009), Hans-Georg Gadamer. Une biographie (Grasset, 2011), La beauté de la métaphysique. Essai sur ses piliers herméneutiques (Cerf, 2019), Comprendre Heidegger. L'espoir d'une autre conception de l'être (Hermann, 2019) and L'esprit de l'éducation (PUF, 2022).


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How to Cite
Grondin, J. 2024. Religion in philosophy and philosophy in religion. Disputatio. 13, 27 (Mar. 2024), 77-86. DOI:
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