God as poet of the world

A Vision of God in Process Theology

  • José Luis Guzón Nestar CES Don Bosco-UCM; San Pío X-UPSA
Keywords: Omniscience, Infallibility, Bipolar, Monopolar, Theopoetics


Process Theology represents a contemporary movement of theologians with Alfred North Whitehead as their point of reference. For these authors God is "dipolar" (or bipolar), has two natures, and is radically involved in the infinite process of the world. He is not an immutable God, but is in process and is affected by the vicissitudes of the men and women of the world. He retains other notes such as omniscience and infallibility, but adapted to the reality of a changing world. This current belongs to the tradition of natural theology and emphasises science in the theological formulation. Its method is based more on philosophy than on biblical science.

Author Biography

José Luis Guzón Nestar, CES Don Bosco-UCM; San Pío X-UPSA

José Luis Guzón Nestar holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (2001), Doctorate in Dogmatic Theology from the Facultad de Teología del Norte de España-Sede de Burgos (2012). Other studies: Diploma in Cinematography from the UVA (1990); Master in Environmental Management from the Institute of Ecological Research (The Open International University) (1994). He has been Director of the Instituto Superior de Filosofía de Burgos (2006-2012), of the Instituto de Pensamiento Iberoamericano (UPSA) (2013-2016) and of the Instituto de la Familia (UPSA) (2013-2016). He has edited numerous journals, including "Pensar y Educar", "Familia" and "Educación y Futuro". His main research project revolves around the theme of time in philosophy and theology, although he has addressed numerous other educational and philosophical-theological topics. He currently teaches at the CES Don Bosco, a centre affiliated to the Complutense University of Madrid, and at the San Pío X Institute of the La Salle University in Aravaca (Madrid), a centre affiliated to the Pontifical University of Salamanca. Since last year he has been the Delegate for Education of the Archdiocese of Madrid.


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How to Cite
Guzón Nestar, J.L. 2024. God as poet of the world: A Vision of God in Process Theology. Disputatio. 13, 27 (Mar. 2024), 53-76. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13858135.
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