Philosophy and Phenomenology of Religion

The religious phenomenon between manifestation and non-manifestation

  • Carla Canullo University of Macerata
Keywords: Gerardus Van der Leeuw, Dominique Janicaud, Structure, Type, Spiral


Since the 1990s, a polemic has affected phenomenology. This polemic was initiated by Dominique Janicaud, who accused some French phenomenologists (Lévinas, Marion, Henry, among others) of extending the conditions of manifestation of the phenomenon beyond the limits that any appearance must have. Along with this extension, they would also have interpreted phenomenology as the only practicable philosophical method, based on the fact that, since everything that manifests itself must first of all be able to give itself, by right everything can give itself and, therefore, no limits were imposed on manifestation. This also made it possible to extend the characteristics of the phenomenon to "religious data". However, this is not the only way in which phenomenology and religion have been related. Before this French moment of phenomenology, other authors already addressed the subject. Among them is Gerardus van der Leeuw, who shows that it is possible to speak of phenomenology and religion without having to renounce the horizons of phenomenology (the subject, the world, being) while maintaining the specificity of the religious phenomenon.

Author Biography

Carla Canullo, University of Macerata

Carla canullo teaches Philosophy of Religion at the University of Macerata (Italy), where she also holds the Chair of Intercultural Hermeneutics. Her research interests include phenomenology, hermeneutics and contemporary French philosophy. Her publications include Coscienza e libertà. Itinerario tra Maine de Biran, Lavelle, le Senne (Naples 2001); La fenomenologia rovesciata. Percorsi tentati in Jean-Luc Marion, Michel Henry, Jean Louis Chrétien (Turin 2004); L'estasi della speranza. Ai margini del pensiero di Jean Nabert (Assisi 2005); The Renewal of Hermeneutics: With Paul Ricoeur and Beyond (Discipline Filosofiche 2020) and The Renewal of Hermeneutics. Thinking with Paul Ricoeur; Renouveler l'herméneutique. Penser aver Paul Ricœur (Roma 2021, both volumes edited with Johann Michel); Padecer la Inmanencia. Diálogos con Michel Henry (San Luis de Potosi (Mexico), 2022). On translation as a method of intercultural hermeneutics, she has written Il chiasmo della traduzione. Metafora e verità (Milan 2017).


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How to Cite
Canullo, C. 2024. Philosophy and Phenomenology of Religion: The religious phenomenon between manifestation and non-manifestation. Disputatio. 13, 27 (Mar. 2024), 31–51. DOI:
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