Manifestation of God or affirmation of his existence?

Henri de Lubac and Michel Henry, readers of the Anselmian proof

  • Andreas Gonçalves Lind Pontifical Gregorian University
Keywords: Michel Henry, Henri de Lubac, Hermeneutics, Anselmian proof


Both Henri de Lubac and Michel Henry commented on the Proslogion of Saint Anselm. While the theologian decides in favor of the medieval doctor, the latter makes a vehement critique against Anselm’s very well-known argumentum. However, both commentaries have in common the fact of positing the debate, not in the field of pure rationality, but rather in the affectivity of the self. Both authors show how access to God is realized through an experience of suffering wherein there is no place for pure reason. In so doing, both authors show how God is present to the self by rejecting any kind of extrinsicism that could be conceived in the relationship between man and God/ nature and grace.

Author Biography

Andreas Gonçalves Lind, Pontifical Gregorian University

Andreas Gonçalves Lind is Assistant at the Pontifical Gregorian University and visiting professor at the Faculties Loyola Paris. With a degree in Economics from the Nova University of Lisbon (2004), he has been a member of the Society of Jesus since 2005. He was ordained a priest in 2016, after graduating in Philosophy and Theology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Portuguese Catholic University (2010), at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (2015) and at the Faculties Loyola Paris (2017). Master in Philosophy and Theology, he obtained a doctoral scholarship from the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, to pursue his PhD in Philosophy at the University of Namur (Belgium). After obtaining his doctoral degree in 2020, he has been working in the field of phenomenology and fundamental theology: his research interests focus on the philosophy of religion and on the interdisciplinarity between phenomenology and human sciences. Author of Civiltà Cattolica, he is a member of the Chair of Philosophy and Christianity at the Research Institute of the Catholic Institute of Toulouse and of the Centre for Global Studies of the Open University (CEG-UAb). He recently published "Dieu à l'épreuve" with Paroles et Silence in 2023, and will soon be launching "La Fragilité épanouie" with Axioma Studies.


ANSELMO de Canterbury. Proslogion. Con las réplicas de Gaunilón y Anselmo. Madrid: Tecnos, 2009.

CORBIN, Michel. «Proslogion». En L’œuvre de S. Anselme de Cantorbéry. Vol. I. Monologion-Proslogion. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1986.

DE LUBAC, Henri. Recherches dans la Foi. Trois études sur Origène, saint Anselme et la philosophie chrétienne. Paris: Beauchesne, 1979.

DE LUBAC, Henri. Sur les chemins de Dieu. Vol. I. Œuvres complètes du Cardinal Henri de Lubac. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2006.

HENRY, Michel. «Acheminement vers la question de Dieu: preuve de l’être ou l’épreuve de la vie». En Phénoménologie de la vie, Tome IV. Sur l’éthique et la religion. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2004.

HENRY, michel. C’est moi la vérité. Pour une philosophie du christianisme. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1996.

HENRY, Michel. Entretiens. Arles: Sulliver, 2005.

HENRY, Michel. L’essence de la manifestation. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2014.

HENRY, Michel. «Phénoménologie de la chair. Philosophie, théologie, exégèse». En Phénoménologie et christianisme chez Michel Henry, editado por P. Capelle, 137-83. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2004.
How to Cite
Gonçalves Lind, A. 2024. Manifestation of God or affirmation of his existence? Henri de Lubac and Michel Henry, readers of the Anselmian proof. Disputatio. (Mar. 2024), 15-29.
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