Levinas against the sacred politics of love. A reply to Simon Critchley

  • Pablo Ríos Flores CONICET- Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Keywords: Command, Religion, Politics, Love, Justice


In the 1953 “Freedom and command", Emmanuel Levinas reflect on the problem of free command and tyrannical action, based on some classic answers in the history of philosophy. Among them, Levinas highlights a particular resolution of modernity, the possibility of will impose to itself a written command as a guarantee of its freedom. He refers to the self-determination of will in the form of Law and State. However, the philosopher recognize the dormant danger in this resolution: the risk of reification of the written command as an impersonal reason, as an anonymous speech, and with it, the conversion of this work into a new tiranny. Levinas sustains that subordination of will to the written command requires discourse as the encounter of man with man, what he calls «religion». The present article aims to understand the meaning of what Levinas sustains in his text of 1953, through a comparative lecture to the one proposed by Simon Critchley about an ethic of commitment and a politics of resistance based on the experience of faith and love.

Author Biography

Pablo Ríos Flores, CONICET- Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Pablo Ríos Flores es Investigador asistente del CONICET (UBA) y Miembro del Equipo de la Cátedra Libre de Estudios Judíos «Moses Mendelssohn» (FFyL, UBA). Doctor en Filosofía [≈ PhD] por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ha sido colaborador en la obra colectiva Levinas y lo político (Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 2014) y co-editor de Filosofía, mito y fascismo. Releyendo «El mito del Estado» de Ernst Cassirer (Buenos Aires: RAGIF, 2020).


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How to Cite
Ríos Flores, P. 2021. Levinas against the sacred politics of love. A reply to Simon Critchley. Disputatio. 10, 17 (Jun. 2021), 169-205. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5136716.
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