The Epicurean sense of friendship in Goethe

  • Miguel Salmerón Infante Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Friendship, Wisdom, Happiness, Moment, Fiction


Friendship according to Epicurus is procured by wisdom. Furthermore friendship makes happiness possible. Wisdom, an inmortal good, leads the man to seek for friendship, a mortal good. As an inmortal virtue, Wisdom is an attribute of the Gods. But if Gods have no role in world´s leading, what a sense have them for the Epicureans? The sense of Emulation. Divinity is a role model. Through meditation is possible to live like a God among humans, suffering no restlessness neither awake nor in dreams.
Yet friendship involves risks. Even choosing it for the pleasure, we endure the greatest evils on account of friends. But these risks are worthy, because the potential damages are less undesirable than no friendship.
Goethe agrees with the Epicureans in the importance they attach to the experience of the moment. Goethe situates friendship between wisdom and happiness, but he only approves friendship if it intensifies the feeling of life, if the moments procured by it are reasonable and happy. Accordingly this article shows Goethe´s relationships with Lenz, Schiller, Charlotte von Stein and Christiane Vulpius, exemplified in fiction-characters like Mignon or Mephistopheles.

Author Biography

Miguel Salmerón Infante, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

MIGUEL SALMERÓN INFANTE, is Professor of Aesthetics and Theory of Arts at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. PhD in Philosophy at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. His main interests are in aesthetics, aesthetics of music, new media and audiovisual formats, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Richard Wagner. He published the books: La novela de formación y peripecia (Boadilla del Monte: Antonio Machado Libros, 2002) and Lo diabólico, lo demónico, lo fáustico, en la literatura la música y el arte (Bucaramanga: Universidad Industrial de Santander, 2017).


Textos de Epicuro procedentes de:

García Gual, Carlos (1974), Ética de Epicuro. La génesis de una moral utilitarista [GG]. Barcelona: Barral.

Textos de Goethe procedentes de:

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1988), Werke. Hamburger Ausgabe in 14 Bänden [HA]. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag.

Literatura Secundaria

Eissler, Kurt Robert (1963), Goethe. A psychoanalytic Study. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.

García Gual, Carlos (1981), Epicuro. Madrid: Alianza.

Hadot, Pierre, (2010), No te olvides de vivir. Goethe y la tradición de los ejercicios espirituales. Madrid: Siruela.

Müller, Robert (1974), Die Epikureische Gesellschaftstheorie, Weimar/ Berlín: Akademie-Verlag.

Seele, Astrid (1997), Frauen um Goethe. Hamburgo: Rowohlt.
How to Cite
Salmerón Infante, M. 2013. The Epicurean sense of friendship in Goethe. Disputatio. 2, 3 (Dec. 2013), 73-85.
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