
  • Pablo Rychter Universitat de València, Spain
Keywords: Ontology, Metaphysics, Composition, Quantification, Realism


The term «metaontology» applies to the inquiry on the nature of ontology. Although this type of inquiry has important precedents in the history of modern philosophy, in the last fifteen years it has gained renewed interest in the analytic tradition, partly because of the remarkable development of ontology itself in recent decades. This chapter will present some of the main metaontológicos problems, and the most prominent positions on them.

Author Biography

Pablo Rychter, Universitat de València, Spain

Pablo Rychter es Profesor del Departamento de Metafísica y Teoría del Conocimiento de la Universidad de Valencia. Doctor en Filosofía (PhD) en la Universidad de Barcelona. Ha sido Fulford Junior Research Fellow en Somerville College (Universidad de Oxford), postdoc visitante en el Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), y visitante académico en la University of British Columbia (UBC). Sus principales áreas de interés son la metafísica y la meta-metafísica. Entre sus principales publicaciones se cuentan: «Truthmaker Theory without Truthmakers». Ratio 27:3 (2014), pp. 276-290; «Stage Theory and Proper Names». Philosophical Studies 161:3 (2012), pp. 367-379; «How Coincidence Bears on Persistence». Philosophia 39:4 (2011), pp. 759-770; «There is No Puzzle about Change». Dialectica 63:1 (2009), pp. 7-22.


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How to Cite
Rychter, P. 2015. Metaontology. Disputatio. 4, 5 (Dec. 2015), 191-214. DOI:
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