Solicitude and Respect. The Second Ethical Person

  • Noeli Dutra Rossatto Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil
Keywords: Friendship, Solicitude, Respect, Paul Ricoeur, Second Person


The article deals with the issue of the second ethical person in Paul Ricoeur’s ethics. Initially, Ricoeur limits the field of the second ethical person to feelings of sympathy and respect. Later on, however, the scheme will be modified with the introduction of friendship (philia) and solicitude, and the maintenance of respect. We ask: why does Ricoeur replace sympathy for solicitude? He maintains the feeling of respect kept in its Kantian significance? We highlight the following results. First, that, in spite of sympathy being replaced by solicitude, the same dialectic structure is maintained, in which one of the poles is composed by respect. Second, that mutual respect will cease to ambiguously designate the first and third person, by designating specifically the second moral person. And third, that, in spite of the attribution of feelings such as sympathy, friendship and solicitude in the designation of the second ethical person, a same dialogical structure is kept intact: in any case, solicitude, as sympathy before it, will be respect taken in its affectionate face, and respect will be solicitude transposed to the abstract plane of moral standards.

Author Biography

Noeli Dutra Rossatto, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil

Noeli Dutra Rossatto es Catedrático (Professor Titular) del Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Brasil. Doctor en Historia de la Filosofia [PhD] por la Universitat de Barcelona, España. Sus intereses de investigación se centran en torno de la ética y narrativa, y la ética y la hermenéutica medieval. Entre sus principales publicaciones se cuentan: La hermenéutica medieval. Un estudio desde Joaquín de Fiore (Saarbrucken, Alemanha: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing–Eae, 2011); Joaquim de Fiore: Trindade e Nova Era (Porto Alegre, RS: EDIPUCRS, 2004); O simbolismo das Festas do Divino (Santa Maria, RS: NedMídia, 2003). Ha coeditado con otros destacados filosofos brasileños, las siguientes obras: Filosofia e Educação. Interatividade, singularidade e mundo comum (Campinas, SP: Editora Mercado das Letras, 2013); Diferença, cultura e educação (Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2010); Ética & Justiça (Santa Maria–RS: Palloti, 2003). Así mismo, há publicados varios artículos, capítulos de libro y traducido al portugués varios trabajos de Paul Ricoeur, tales como: «La lutte pour la reconnaissance et l’economie du don», Revista Ethic@, 2010; y, «Temps et récit: concorde–discorde», Kriterion: Revista de Filosofia, 2012.


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Ricoeur, Paul (1983). Temps et récit. Tome I. L’intrigue et le récit historique. Paris: Seuil.

Ricoeur, Paul (1990). Soi–même comme un autre. Paris: Éditions du Seuil.

Ricoeur, Paul (1991). O si–mesmo como um outro. Tradução de Lucy Moreira Cesar. São Paulo: Abril Cultural.

Ricoeur, Paul (2004a). «Sympathie et respect. Phénoménologie et étique de la seconda personne», en Ricoeur, P. A l’école de la phénoménologie. Paris: Vrin, pp. 333–359.

Ricoeur, Paul (2004b). La lutte pour la reconnaissance et l’économie du don. Paris: Unesco.

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Ricoeur, Paul. (1975). «Le problème du fondement de la morale». Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Teologia XXVIII (3): pp. 313–337.

How to Cite
Rossatto, N.D. 2016. Solicitude and Respect. The Second Ethical Person. Disputatio. 5, 6 (Dec. 2016), 187-204. DOI:
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