Laing’s reading of Jung in Madness and Wisdom: Toward an Existential Psychiatry

  • Danilo Serra International Association of Palliative Marketing
Keywords: Psychosis, Phenomenology, Existential Psychiatry


The aim of my contribution is to focus on some decisive aspects of the so-called “existential psychiatry” of Ronald D. Laing (1927-1989). I will begin my paper by pointing out how Jungian theory played, in a broad sense, a particularly important role in the formation and development of Laing’s thought. In order to achieve this, I will refer in particular to Chapter 4 of Intervista sul folle e il saggio —an interview with Laing by Vincenzo Caretti, originally published in Italian in 1979 by Laterza— whose English version (Dialogues on Madness and Wisdom: In Conversation with R.D. Laing) was first published in early 2022 in a series edited by the Society for Existential Analysis (SEA). Subsequently, I will consider some distinctive elements of Laingian research.

Author Biography

Danilo Serra, International Association of Palliative Marketing

Danilo Serra is co–founder and vice–president of the International Association of Palliative Marketing based in Lugano, Switzerland. PhD in Transcultural studies in humanities from the Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy. He carries out research in the areas of Heideggerian philosophy, poetic phenomenology and existential psychotherapy. He is a member of the American Daseinsanalytic Institute (ADI), where he develops activities and research related to the so–called Daseinsanalysis. At the same time, he carries out academic activities at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Enna Kore as “Subject Expert” for the chairs of History of Architecture and Architectural and Urban Composition.


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Caretti, Vincenzo (2022). Dialogues on Madness and Wisdom: In Conversation with R.D. Laing, edited by M. Groth and D. Serra, translated by D. Serra. London: The Society for Existential Analysis (SEA).

Groth, Miles (2001). “Laing’s Presence”. Janus Head 4, no. 1: pp. 170-86.

Heidegger, Martin (1962). Being and Time, translated by J. Macquarrie and E. Robinson. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

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How to Cite
Serra, D. 2023. Laing’s reading of Jung in Madness and Wisdom: Toward an Existential Psychiatry. Disputatio. 12, 24 (Mar. 2023), 143-157. DOI:
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