Montaigne and Philosophy as a Way of Life
Ever since Michel de Montaigne published his Essays, there has been a succession of interpretations of the meaning of his work. Especially in the mid-twentieth century he began to be appreciated as a philosopher, but his ascription to one school of thought or another has been the subject of endless dispute, although today he is mostly considered a skeptic, mainly because of his attitude.
Perhaps the reason for this hermeneutic controversy lies in the character of the Essays, far from systematic thought and centered on the author and his art of living, which each reader is invited to imitate freely. In any case, according to Pierre Hadot, many thinkers and schools of Antiquity, whom Montaigne quotes profusely in his book, agreed on this.
Nevertheless, Montaigne questions the shared features of the ways of life proposed by Greeks and Romans: the transcendence of ordinary existence, human perfectionism and the achievement, or aspiration, to a serene, full, wise life. The Essays are not primarily a skeptical work, much less a Stoic or Epicurean one, nor a revamped version of the classical art of living. His is another way, eclectic and modern, of finally learning to live.
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