The impropriety of public existence. The metaphysical foundation of media power

  • José Manuel Chillón Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Keywords: Inautenticity, Metaphysical Subdetermination, Media Power, Heidegger, Technology


The media foundation of our information societies is a metaphysical fact and must be analyzed phenomenologically in the context of the era of the consummation of metaphysics that technical time supposes. This is the thesis supported by this paper. Everything real is at the disposal of the undeniable power of the media (and, therefore, can count as a manifestation of what Heidegger had called the age of the will of will). It is thus expressed, in our days, the emphaticity with which the human being is empowered by the world. For all this, our paper concludes that the media, in their disposition to be essentially informative content, are determined and determine the conditions of collective impropriety that generate this cultural climate, of that perverse gregariousness for thinking that feeds the nihlism on which our postmodern societies are sustained.

Author Biography

José Manuel Chillón, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain

José Manuel Chillón es Profesor Titular de Filosofía Contemporánea en el Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad de Valladolid, España. Doctor en Filosofía [≈ PhD] por la Universidad de Valladolid y licenciado en Teología, Periodismo y Filosofía. Su trabajo se centra en los procesos de racionalidad contemporáneos y en la fenomenología. Es autor de medio centenar de artículos y varios libros el último de los cuales es Serenidad. Heidegger para un tiempo postfilosófico. Granada: Comares, 2019. Ha coordinado, además, con Ángel Martínez y Luca Valera, Verdad práctica. Un concepto en expansión. Granada: Comares, 2022.


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How to Cite
Chillón, J.M. 2023. The impropriety of public existence. The metaphysical foundation of media power. Disputatio. 12, 25 (Sep. 2023), 65-77.
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