The Debate about Analogy in Cayetano. A Panoramic Review of the Fundamental Positions in Recent ears.
The analogia entis is a central doctrine of classical and medieval metaphysical thought. Beginning with Cajetan's De nominum analogia (1498), this doctrine assumes an even more relevant speculative presence. What Cajetan was supposed to have done in that work was to order and systematize the doctrine of his teacher Thomas Aquinas. However, it was especially during the first half of the twentieth century that a series of debates arose among specialists about Cajetan's fidelity or not to Aquinas on the teaching of analogy. After these intense discussions, it would be expected that the interest of researchers in the analogia entis would have disappeared or diminished significantly and that its study would have been reduced to a marginal or minuscule group of scholars. However, in the present article we show the significant presence of studies and polemics on this topic in contemporary thought in recent years. This suggests that the analogia entis is still a topic of interest and debate.
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