Some notes on the Aristotelian doctrine of opposition and the propositional calculus

  • Gerardo O. Matía Cubillo Universidad de Valladolid
Keywords: Aristotle, Square of Opposition, Ancient Logic, Conditioned Truth Tables, Natural Language, Paradoxes of Material Implication, Law of Contraposition, Nosubstantial Particulars


In this paper, we develop some of Williamson's ideas about the contribution of propositional calculus to a better understanding of Aristotelian logic. Specifically, the use he makes of truth tables in analyzing the structure of the traditional square of opposition is enhanced by a simple technique: The relations of dependence between different propositions allow us to construct “conditioned truth tables”. Taking advantage of this possibility, we propose a new interpretation of several passages of the Organon related to opposition.

Author Biography

Gerardo O. Matía Cubillo, Universidad de Valladolid



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How to Cite
Matía Cubillo, G.O. 2023. Some notes on the Aristotelian doctrine of opposition and the propositional calculus. Disputatio. 12, 26 (Dec. 2023), 53-70.
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