Transcendental purpose of the epistemological construction of discourses: an interview with Modesto Manuel Gomez

  • Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú
Keywords: Epistemology, Knowledge, Philosophy, Empirism, Rationalism


This interview was conducted in two sessions via Zoom, whose dates are located in August 2021. The first conversation that took place consisted of the philosopher Modesto Gómez Alonso offering some panoramic and reflective ideas, which have been placed at the beginning of each resolution. Meanwhile, in the second conversation, we started from what was previously stated and from some notes that allowed us to outline the answers in a more forceful way. All this procedure served so that the notion of epistemology could be discussed from its multiple manifestations. That is why the philosopher Modesto Gomez resorted to related conceptions, such as those that provide knowledge, just as he sought to explain in greater detail by citing authors such as Descartes, Sosa, among others. In this sense, this interview had the purpose of looking for the connections that exist between Philosophy and daily life in terms of inquiring into the possibilities of contributing to knowledge and having the appropriate tools.

Author Biography

Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú

Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila es magíster y candidato a doctor en Literatura Peruana y Latinoamericana por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Cuenta con el conocimiento básico del inglés, certificado por la UNMSM. Ha ejercido la docencia en institutos y universidades nacionales. También se ha desempeñado como corrector de textos y jefe editor. Ha sido dos veces becario. Actualmente, cuenta con la calificación de investigador Concytec (Perú). Su línea de investigación es la narrativa, la teoría literaria, la creación literaria, el cine y los ensayos. Ha publicado reseñas, artículos, entrevistas, notas y cuentos en revistas indexadas nacionales e internacionales; entre las cuales, muchas de ellas están indexadas en Web Of Science, SciELO y Scopus. De igual modo, tiene una participación constante en congresos nacionales e internacionales.


Delgado Del Aguila, Jesús Miguel (2021). «Entrevista al filósofo español Modesto Gómez Alonso» [video].

How to Cite
Delgado Del Aguila, J.M. 2023. Transcendental purpose of the epistemological construction of discourses: an interview with Modesto Manuel Gomez. Disputatio. 12, 26 (Dec. 2023), 209-230.