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Author Guidelines

General policies of submittal

Word template for journal articles
[Submissions should be made exclusively online at]

Until further notice, please send your paper directly to Kurt Wischin:

Please send one complete version including the author's names, their affiliations, a brief philosophical biography of each author in Word-format, and one anonym version in pdf-format. 

For further instructions please see below:


1.— Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin (Madrid, ISSN 2254-0601) is an academic review dedicated to the publication of investigative work that has the purpose of making a rigorous contribution to the current philosophical debate in the framework of critical dialogue about the role of humanities, their challenges and their significance for our times.

2.— Writings submitted for publication must be wholly original and unpublished. That means that the writing has not been published previously in any format or platform and that the writing was not sent nor will be sent to another journal while being evaluated by Disputatio. If the writing is held as pre-print in any repository or web page, it must be retrieved before being sent to Disputatio.

3.— The authors are the sole liable for assertions sustained in their work and, before submitting their paper for evaluation, they should make sure to observe the guiding principles of our ethical and environmental compromise [sp].

4.— The types of works that may be submitted are original investigations [sp] (articles, critical and theoretical studies, monographs, research papers, critical notes), academic interviews, translations of philosophically relevant texts [sp], summaries and critical reviews.

5.— The periodicity of Disputatio is annual, and it is published as a continuous flow. Submittal, processing and publication of the writings are free of charge.

6.— Any writing received will be subjected to the editorial evaluation procedure [sp] and will be evaluated by two external experts by the method of double-blind peer review [sp]. A favourable review result by both reviewers is a necessary condition for publication. The final decision will be in the hands of the editorial committee based on the evaluation results issued by the reviewers. The maximum period between reception of the manuscripts and the communication of acceptance or rejection is 4 months.

7.— The format of the paper should be in accordance with the editorial instructions [sp] of Disputatio.

8.— The following types of contributions will be considered by Disputatio for its different sections:

Arguments: Original philosophical investigations of high quality which make rigorously written contributions to current debates and arguments, such as articles covering original investigations, revisions, as well as critical and theoretical studies.

Panorama: Philosophical writings which help us comprehend in a swift and clear way important problems or specific topics in current and forthcoming investigations, which should be brought to the reader’s attention, having immediate y long term implications, such as panoramic or general articles. The writings mentioned are short, swift and clear summaries of contributions previously published in prestigious journals that use peer review.

Library: Original and unpublished reviews or summaries of books in philosophy of actuality, preferably not older than five years. The works reviewed should be first editions or reeditions with substantial modifications.

Interviews, monographs, research papers y translations (in accordance with their relevance)

9.— Writings should be adjusted to the following extensions:

Articles (between 10,000 and 15,000 words) (including notes)
Short articles (between 5,000 and 10,000 words) (including notes)
Panorama articles (between 1,000 and 2,000 words) (including notes)
Critical and theoretical studies (between 6,000 and 8,000 words) (including notes)
Discussions and notes (between 6,000 and 8000 words) (including notes)
Summaries and critical reviews (between 1,000 and 3,000 words) (including notes)
Reviews (between 400 and 1,000 words) (don’t have notes)
Interviews, monographs, research papers and translations (in accordance with their relevance)

Larger extensions could be taken into account according to the relevance of the evaluated work.

10.— The work submitted should be written at 1½ spaces in a Word format (.doc or .docx), font Times New Roman N° 12 in the complete text, including references, footnotes, tables, etc. All pages should be numbered. In case it contains figures, drawings, graphics or maps specification should be included as to the place of their insertion. Figures, drawings, graphics or maps should be sent on sheets or files by separate from the text, numbered and titled. Figures and photos should be prepared for direct reproduction, should be of high quality (600 dpi) and be in format JPEG or PNG. In case of using figures or photos of another author, they must have the corresponding permit. Headings should use a decimal system of no more than three levels and should be clearly distinguished. Abbreviations should be defined the first time they are mentioned y used consistently afterwards in all of the text. Please use the template model for articles of Disputatio.

11.— Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin accepts writings in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and English. The writings should be preceded by a title, abstract (200 words at most), keywords (between 3 and 5), in the language, the work has been written in and in English. Making exceptions from this norm in certain cases might be possible. Discussions, notes, summaries, critical reviews, reviews and interviews have neither abstract nor keywords.

12.— The format of footnotes or quotes within the text should use the Chicago Style quotations. Footnotes should be used exclusively for observations, commentaries or the inclusion of references that should be mentioned because of their importance. The abbreviation should be used in all cases of quotation or reference to some work, for example:

(Weinstein 2009, p. 440)  —or—  (Weinstein 2009, pp. 440–42).

Quotation from classical works should follow the conventions that are usual in the field of study, for example:

Reviews, the recommendations by L’Année Philologique
Greek authors, the recommendations by the Greek-English Lexicon (LSJ)
Latin authors, the recommendations by theOxford Latin Dictionary

In the case of modern authors like Kant and others, the proper conventions should be followed. In any of these cases, abbreviations should be defined when mentioned the first time and used consistently afterwards.

13.— Italics should be used to emphasise or for the titles of works. Quotes that are shorter than five lines should be made between quotation marks in the body of the writing and quotes that are longer in a separate paragraph without quotation marks. The system of quotation marks for texts in English should follow the practice of the language the text is composed in (for texts in other languages, please see the corresponding instructions page):

For British English, preferably
General quotation marks or inverted commas: ‘...’
Quotation marks within a quotation: “...”
Quotation marks for sense and others: ‘...’

For American English
General quotation marks: “...”
Quotation marks within quotation marks: ‘...’
Quotation marks for sense and others: ‘...’

For examples of the correct use of emphasis, brackets and punctuation, please see: or

The following example is taken from “The Punctuation guide”. Please also take note of the location of the full stop in the different options.


If italic are used to emphasis a portion of the quotation, indicate the change in brackets.

She said she would consider “a very short extension of the deadline, but only under the most extraordinary circumstances [emphasis added].”

An alternative approach is to note the emphasis outside the quotation, in parentheses, either as a separate sentence immediately after the sentence containing the quotation:

She said she would consider “a very short extension of the deadline, but only under the most extraordinary circumstances.” (Emphasis added.)

or as a parenthetical note added to the end of the sentence containing the quotation:

She said she would consider “a very short extension of the deadline, but only under the most extraordinary circumstances” (emphasis added).

14.— To insert interpolate clauses, em dashes are used (—), but not hyphens (-) or en dashes (–), according to standard use in English.

15.— Any article must have necessarily a bibliographical section, which should use the Chicago style, author-date. It must be complete, in alphabetical order and must include only works that refer to the main body of the article. Articles and books having a DOI number should be marked in the bibliography after the bibliographical information and should be formatted as a hyperlink, as shown in the following example:

Maudlin, Tim (2007). The Metaphysics Within Physics. New York: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/analys/anp022.
Bochenski, Józef Maria (1974). “Logic and Ontology”. Philosophy East and West 24, nº 3: pp. 275–292. doi: 10.2307/1398384.
Hofweber, Thomas (2014). “Logic and Ontology”. In: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Edward N. Zalta. Stanford CA: Stanford University. Substantial revision on August 30. Consulted on September 12, 2015. Disponible en:
Williams, Bernard (1978). Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry. Harmondsworth: Penguin. [Trad. cast.: Descartes: el proyecto de la investigación pura. Trad. de Jesús Antonio Coll Mármol. Mádrid: Cátedra, 1996].

16.— Two electronic versions of the writing shall be submitted: one containing the name(s) of the author(s), Institution of adscription, e-mail, complete address (including the telephone number), and another one, ready for an anonymous evaluation, omitting any information about the author; any reference to the author must also be omitted from sections such as acknowledgements and bibliographical references. Both versions will include the title, abstract and the list of keywords, not mentioned in the title, in English and eventually the language in which the work is written. If the writing contains special characters, formulas or equations, a version in pdf should be sent additionally having the characters inserted. Please consult the attached formats for submission of articles and reviews.

17.— Unnecessary technical language, unusual symbols and large bibliographies with no relation to the body of the work should be avoided.

18.— Writings submitted that do not fit the topics this review treats will not be accepted. Writings that don´t use the system of quotes the review proposes in the established way or that are not submitted with the required backing will be sent back for correction before being sent to evaluation.

19.— Questions, suggestions and commentaries, please to email [].

Updated 1-March-2023

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